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Friday, March 16, 2012


Hello,as we go about our daily lives, work, bills, family time, etc....Time will definitely go on, whether this will be the year all humanity seizes to exist or not, time will surely continue,and what little each one of us contributes to life may not matter much on a individual basis ,what we do and why we are here only time will tell, just as we can look back and see what mankind or how one person may change the course of history we shall not know until the day is over,so if you may stop and think why does it matter what i do today,my life is small compared to the size and complexity not only of our world but the universe on a whole, each one of our lives do matter, and what we do today can and will reflect on what happens tomorrow,so if you get a chance today in your busy world, stop for a moment and think before you act, because what you do today will change without a doubt what can and will happen tomorrow..... just a thought,and that becomes a problem sometimes when all you do is think..... any comments,posts,ideas,anything you would like to share ,please do so... until next time...will there be a next time?
Just finished watching aliens the nasa connection, i thought it was okay, definitely not there best work, watch it and tell me what you think., im  So a little about me, im 46 with a lot of time on my hands, ive always loved science since i can remember and i always thought that the human race is part of
some great big experiment being be formed by the entity we call god, anybody have a thought or a comment on this, let me know, i would love to hear what you think, until tommorow, be safe and keep your eyes and ears open for any gossip on this subject,since i dont get out much im counting on you guys to tell me what the average ordinary person is saying about these things and if there saying anything at all. Have a wonderful nite......

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The star child..

Hello, just read some new info about the Star Child, is anyone familiar? I ve known about the star child skull for quite some years and have given it a little thought, apparently( for those who  haven't) a set of bones was found some time ago, a adult female and a adolocent, anyways the bones were carbon dated back aproxemately 900 years ago, no big deal right? unless  you've seen photos of the skull of the star child, which literaly looks quite alien, most main stream scientists  agreed that this skull was deformed either unpurpose or by disease,anyways ,to make a long story short, google "The Star Child" project and there you will find some quite interesting reading, i can't and won't even began to talk about its findings over a 12 year study, i don't claim to have a phd after my name, so to me its was very hard to understand, but i did read between the lines and get the message and i'm sure you will too, so go give it a look and comeback to post your comments........ i will give you the link, hope the auther doesnt mind..   oh, and by the way , if you have a buck or two to give, there asking for donations to continue their research, so help out if you can, if not, enjoy the articles

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Another New Look

Hello, i updated my site a little, so tell me what you think, all comments, posts,suggestions and ideas accepted..............

new toy

Hello, thought i would post a little before i go to bed, still watching the ancient aliens marathon, i must be sick cause i love this program, i just wish  i had a percent of bucks this 2012 stuff is making, i know the history channel is very happy with the mayan, hope's, meso american prophecy because its sure is making a whole bunch of people big money, anyways, ive gotten a hold of some good movie making software and im gonna play around a little with it a post some video's in the next couple weeks, in the mean time i just be posting  and hope you are too, well goodnite ladie's and gent's, until next time, keep your eyes and ears open, and when you get the chance, look up for a minute or two, then come back here and visit me and do some posting............

New look

Just trying a few things out to make this site look a little better, any comments,suggestions,ideas? please let me know........Thank You

Ancient Alien Marathon

Good evening, hope everybody had a great day, not much to post right now, history channel(H2) is going to have a stellar night for all those who love to watch "Ancient Aliens, starting at 8pm, depending on what time zone your in or what demension, its a ancient alien marathon starting off with " The Mayan Conspiracy", now  just what were those mayans conspiring about that they new would effect humanity today? watch and see i guess, thats what i will be doing, i know , im such a nerd, anyway, if you happen to stop by , please dont forget to post something, anything, im getting desperate here, i will probably be back on later with hopefully something interesting to say, until then, keep a eye out for those shiftie mayans...........

Sunshine on my shoulders....

Good afternoon, ive added a few more things for your viewing pleasure, hope you enjoy it. So lastnite i went out side and looked up, what did i see you ask? stars , planet alignments and a full moon(probably why my ex is act nuttier than ever). I'm looking for someone out there that has a nice telescope with some original pictures to post, so if thats you or you know someone please contact me or post,only amatuer original photos, also natural disasters, tornadoes, or U.F.O pics, maybe will have a contest and vote on the best photo with the best post, anyone want to donate some prizes for this are more than welcome to contact at my email( so lets start and see what we can come up with,okay, thanks, anyways need to go do some stuff, its a beautiful day here  in michigan, i'm wondering where did our winter go? not that i'm complaining, but it worries me a little, theres something definetly going on woth the weather, think im going stock up on bottled water, batteries, a flashlight or two, you know the typical survivor crap, i would like to get a generater, but thats a little out of my price range since i'm living off a once a month disability check, i thank god for that and the bazillion hours ive worked since i was 14 helped me get a ok check, considiring most of the people around here are living off of state aide(doesnt pay crap) and of course the 99 percenters( the working class poor)so i dont have it too bad, until next time, have a wonderful day everybody, and just remember when you think you have it bad, it could be worse because if your reading this, at least your alive and everyday we wake up, i think, is a god day............. Please visit Endtime Prophecy Net                                                                      

Monday, March 12, 2012

you name it........

Whats all the hype about, we have known that one day the earth will end, whether it be billions of years from now when the sun dies out or on a more personal level, all of us shall have our own end date, be it heart disease, cancer, car accident, violence, stroke or a slip and fall in the shower("ive fallin and i cant get up") there are many ways to go, although most of us put death at the back of our minds, the end is always near, so why not captilize on this age old idea with movies,documentaries,commercials,books and the list go's on and on, its all about the money and we are buying into it, while the insanely rich get richer, the average joe is taking bottle back to put a gallon of gas in his(or hers) car, its ridiculus, and life goes on, i know im not sticking to the topic, oh well, its late, im tired and my back hurts, sound familiar? so i say to you goodnite my fellow earthlings,and dont forget, keep your eyes and ears open and look up every now and then and come back here to post or to see whatelse i may complain about. until we meet again..................

Blogger: Blogger Dashboard


Blogger: Blogger Dashboard

Hello again, if you have been to my site prior you will notice ive added a few things and iam experimenting a little with my blog, i will be changes things often and hopefully giving everybody something interesting to browse and contemplate on. so on with the blog. It seems that over the years everything that i have thought about our civilization has finaly been brought to the public eye, no longer am i ashamed or having thoughts or have the fear of being crazy, i just wish i would have jumped on the bandwagon a long time ago, the supernatural has become super popular which means the big wigs with the money have been cashing in on our fears and the anxiety of the world coming to a end, which it will someday eventually for all of us, anyways if anybody out there has done a little research or watched some tv  it seems like everyone is trying to shove this 2012 phenomom down our throats, i was watching a program the other day called the  doomsday preppers and i couldnt help but notice the guy that was being featured on this program, a disabled truck driver with loads of time on his hands and a seemingly deep pockets by the amount thi s of stuff this gentlman has procured for the collaspe of the U.S.A, i couldnt help but to think that maybe this guy should be investing a little money in a oversized casket, by no means am i making fun of his disabilities, or anyone elses, anyway just was thinking about that as i was cleaning my apartment, anyone else have anything to say, please feels free to post away, i would love to hear from anyone, im open to all comments and any ideas,sorry i have to cut this short but my son just called and he wants me to look up some things for him,so until next time,keep your eyes and ears open, along with your mind and i will be back later, hopefully with some more updates to this site as im learning more as i go, thanks for your time.......
Good morning, anyone out there have anything they would like to share,please feel free to to post, im the mean time , im still waking up and hope to have some interesting info a little later, so check back soon and i will be getting down into sopme deep thoughts,

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Ancient Code 2012: Stonehenge Mayan Calender alien UFO ghost spirit lucifer

Ancient Code 2012: Stonehenge Mayan Calender alien UFO ghost spirit lucifer - Get more value from social sharing - Get more value from social sharing
Hello, thank all of you who took the time to read my blog,so i had a wonderful weekend with my son, hes home now with the ex so now i can get back to posting. Im not sure how many of you have had the time to watch these programs about ancient aliens, myan prophecy,nostradamus and a host of programs speaking on these topics, but this stuff is old news to me, ever since ive looked into the nite sky and wondered, are we alone? why are we here and what is are purpose, theses questions have been around since have inhabited this planet, now over the last fiew years the cable networks have been making millions on asking theses questions and simply comtemplating out loud,so ive been wondering if theres a pattern here, are we being prepared for something that our government has known for years,dont get me wrong here, im no conspiracy theorist, but these programs have made me think, and ive  done some research, so is all this possible? I say yes, anything is possible, i would like to hear from anyone who may have some comments or questions on theses topics, just post and lets all comtemplate these questions together and see what answers we come up with, like i said before i quite new to this blogging and posting, so if anyone out there would like to give me a hand in developing this web site i would greatly appreciate it, thank you, and once again,next time your outside look up and around and think, then come back to my blog and post some comments......                      Hello, im back , not that it may matter to anyone out there ,anyways in sticking with this blogs title i will try to post something interesting for you to read. Over the last few years,or should i say 5 years, all ive had to do is think and this is just a few of the things i would like to express my opinons and thoughts on. In my previous life(prior to having all this free time) i worked as a medic for one of the most violent cities in america for 17 plus years until                                                                                                                                                                                                                
Okay,im back for a little, now i know someone out there must have some comments or ideas, anyways. its a beautiful day here in michigan so  i think im heading to the park with my son, hes got to go back to the ex-wifes at 6pm today so come back later and hopefully i will have something more to say and so will you, see you then, and remember watch out for those aliens, there coming!!!!