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Monday, March 12, 2012

you name it........

Whats all the hype about, we have known that one day the earth will end, whether it be billions of years from now when the sun dies out or on a more personal level, all of us shall have our own end date, be it heart disease, cancer, car accident, violence, stroke or a slip and fall in the shower("ive fallin and i cant get up") there are many ways to go, although most of us put death at the back of our minds, the end is always near, so why not captilize on this age old idea with movies,documentaries,commercials,books and the list go's on and on, its all about the money and we are buying into it, while the insanely rich get richer, the average joe is taking bottle back to put a gallon of gas in his(or hers) car, its ridiculus, and life goes on, i know im not sticking to the topic, oh well, its late, im tired and my back hurts, sound familiar? so i say to you goodnite my fellow earthlings,and dont forget, keep your eyes and ears open and look up every now and then and come back here to post or to see whatelse i may complain about. until we meet again..................

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