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Sunday, April 8, 2012

IS THERE, A "GOD"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hello everyone, i hope everyone of question, " is there a god", I'm sure its a question most of us want to know, anyways , all the media talked about was doom and gloom, all the death and suffering from the current wars all over the world, and the senseless acts of violence locally and nation wide, and it made me think how sad god must be right now, disappointed that we as humans have come such a long way, and still we have not learned. God must wonder why we have created so many ways to kill each other, and then i thought back at history and noticed how just one man can change the entire world for the good or the bad. But i think he would also smile at the way we come together in times of horrible disasters.So it made me think, if i could get some of you to do one ruthless act of kindness a month, to help a stranger or a neighbor in need. I'm not saying you have to open up your bank account, if your like me, you live from paycheck to paycheck, so next time you sit down to a nice dinner or your relaxing on your couch watching the flat screen, just think for a minute how good you have it and then go out and do something good for someone, I'm sure "God" would be pleased, and better yet, your going to feel something so good that you will want to do more,or even tell your friends how warm it made you feel, so don't be shy, go out and spread the wealth. and know i leave you with this, keep your eyes and ears open, and comeback here and see whats new, or post a comment yourself, and don't forget to take a minuted to look up!! your never know what you might see........ Thank you for the visit, and have a wonderful day

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